Japanese rattan has the speed of western medicine and the mild cure of traditional Chinese medicine! Japanese rattan for premature ejaculation

Premature ejaculation is a male disorder that almost surpasses every male. In the past, it was treated with traditional Chinese medicine and later treated with western medicine. Even if it is effective, it is not a treatment plan.Japanese rattanCombining traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine technology, we have developed a fast-acting and maintainable health care product.Japanese rattanIt completely adopts Chinese herbal medicine and Western technology, and combines the characteristics of Chinese medicine with the absorption effect of Western medicine and the control of side effects to achieve a relatively perfect balance, bringing strong and lasting maintenance without side effects to men!

learnJapanese rattanKnow the causes of premature ejaculation

We can analyze the root cause of premature ejaculation. Ejaculation is a complex conditioned reflex that is regulated by the cerebral cortex nerve center. Panic and fear can occur due to unhealthy sexual life, bad sexual behavior before marriage, or improper sexual intercourse. , Anxiety phenomenon, men are prone to premature ejaculation. After marriage, there is often a sense of guilt, long-term anxiety about masturbation, and premature ejaculation during sex after marriage.

Japanese herbal medicine
Japanese herbal medicine

Traditional Chinese medicine can only cure the root causeJapanese rattan

From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, kidney deficiency cannot nourish the liver very well, the liver meridian system is damaged, and the liver meridian "circles around the two yin". The main purpose is to expel cold and invigorate the kidney. Invigorating the kidney can break the stagnation of the liver meridian, and at the same time, it also plays a role in invigorating the liver. During the treatment, other symptoms should be used in a timely manner according to the principle of dialectics. The treatment of premature ejaculation is generally the same as that of impotence, because premature ejaculation is often a precursor to impotence, and the two have basically the same cause and medical history.

Japanese rattanIt is extracted from Chinese herbal medicines with more than ten flavors such as red root grass buckwhip and wolfberry and tuckahoe, for male liver maintenance, the most obvious is the improvement of energy, kidney qi is full of masculinity, after drug nourishment can repair damaged neurons and organs, restore normal endocrine, so as to achieve therapeutic effect, but this is only the characteristics of traditional Chinese medicine , it is useless until the body absorbs it, so let the body absorb all without rejecting it, which is also the top priority!

Quick action of western medicine

Japanese rattan ingredients
Japanese rattan ingredients

The disadvantage of traditional Chinese medicine is that it takes effect slowly and the absorption rate of the human body is low., Western medicine is also Western technology, after understanding the principles of traditional Chinese medicine treatment,All the medicinal properties of traditional Chinese medicine are proportionally reconciled and integrated with the ingredients through molecular resistance. The purpose is to allow your body to absorb more medicinal effects and exert more medicinal effects. body's stress response, that is, takingJapanese rattanside effects, after ten years of cooperation, finally developedJapanese rattan!

Japanese rattanFor patients with premature ejaculation,You can take one tablet half an hour beforehand, and you can feel the obvious improvement in sex. The hardness, durability, and libido have obviously improved and changed. During long-term use, the medicinal properties will continue to repair you, allowing you to fundamentally Recover sexual ability and achieve a healing effect that never rebounds!A must-have skin care product for premature ejaculation patients!

Japanese rattanwhere to buy? Of course, I chose to buy it in Japan's Yiqi drugstore. The original packaging was imported from Japan, and it has never been opened! Guaranteed original effect!Click to buy17tengsu.com.tw

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