Core reminder: For the treatment of premature ejaculation, please use the traditional Chinese medicine ingredient Japanese rattan, remember not to take aphrodisiac drugs, Chinese medicine aphrodisiac Japanese rattan

Core Tip: Kidney-invigorating and yang-boosting acupuncture drugs are mainly aimed at patients with sexual dysfunction. Normal use will generally not enhance sexual performance, and even increase toxic side effects. If normal people want to maintain their sexual ability, they must use FDA-certified products, and it is recommended to use Chinese herbal medicine ingredients, such asJapanese rattan, has a high reputation in the Japanese AV industry for body maintenance, and has gradually been introduced to the world, receiving unanimous praise!

Then why can't you just mess around?AphrodisiacWoolen cloth?

Expert introduction: However, many male patients do not know much about impotence and premature ejaculation, and some men think that suffering from premature ejaculation will lose their face, so they use some drugs for strengthening yang and kidney. aggravate;

Do not take Japanese vines indiscriminately
Do not take Japanese vines indiscriminately

In normal times or when there is occasional premature ejaculation and other poor sexual function, do not use aphrodisiac and kidney products casually. There are many fake drugs on the market. Because the ingredients of these products are not clear, some contain chemical components such as hormones. If used improperly, it will make the disease worse. more serious. If you use it for a long time, normal people may also experience sexual dysfunction, so if you want to be responsible for your body correctly, you should make judgments about yourself first;

Different types of premature ejaculation patients, takingJapanese rattandifferent effects

In clinical treatment, those with yin deficiency in premature ejaculation patients are mostly young and middle-aged, and those with yang deficiency are mostly elderly. Symptoms, those with yang deficiency are physically weak and have other obvious symptoms of yang deficiency; those with yin deficiency have a thin and heavy pulse, red tongue and dry coating.Japanese rattanIneffective or aggravated, and those with yang deficiency have a thin, slow pulse, moist tongue and white coating, takeJapanese rattanVisible improvement.

Men should never abuse aphrodisiac drugs, especially around the age of 20. At this time, the kidney qi is relatively sufficient, so there is no need for aphrodisiac, and it is necessary to pay attention to their own psychology; Avoid chronic diseases and their secondary symptoms. If it is confirmed that you have suffered from premature ejaculation, no matter what age you are, as long as you are an adult, you can maintain and use it. Sexual well-being in old age is guaranteed!

Appropriate choice of Japanese vine
Appropriate choice of Japanese vine

But be careful: do not use otherAphrodisiac, Most of these so-called aphrodisiac drugs on the market have added illegally produced drug ingredients similar to "Viagra". The initial effect of the patient may be good, but after long-term use, the toxic and side effects will increase exponentially, and the harm will be great. Not only will he not eliminate our disease, but even our disease at home, so I advise everyone to pay attention to it. Do think twice before you act.

At last,Maintenance should use Chinese herbal ingredientsJapanese rattan, After being used by millions of men, the clinical effect is worthy of recognition, and it has been on the market for more than ten years. There is no bad review or news that the body has deteriorated due to the use of Japanese vinesu. It can be seen thatJapanese rattanThe effect is affirmed by all users! To buy genuine products, please go to One Seven Drugstore in Japan:Sent from Osaka, Japan to Taoyuan, Taiwan, the whole process is unopened and wrapped in plastic protective film to ensure the authenticity! Click to

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