People can not escape from doing wrong? Tengsu also has corresponding improvements! Do you understand

Anyone can make mistakes, let alone a man's body, it is normal to have premature ejaculation in middle age, but in this, we useJapanese rattanDuring the process, there are actually different ways to use it for different situations., how to play a better effect? Please listen to the pharmacist to explain to you!

Three cases of faster ejaculation

Japanese vines for improvement
Japanese vines for improvement

1.Habitual premature ejaculation: Refers to those who have always had premature ejaculation after sexual intercourse after adulthood. This kind of person has normal sexual physiological function and strong penis erection; symptoms include strong sexual desire, strong penile erection, and can't wait for intercourse, mostly seen in young adults. For such customers, we recommend usingJapanese rattanOne course of treatment, because most severe premature ejaculation is due to the relationship between nerves, habitual premature ejaculation will make your body like this process, and it will soon evolve into severe premature ejaculation.Japanese rattancan quickly extend your time,Plus the trace elements in Japanese vine, help your body adjust to a normal state!

2.premature ejaculation: It is caused by sexual dysfunction; after middle age or in the elderly, ejaculation occurs gradually ahead of time, often accompanied by loss of libido and penile erection weakness. Middle-aged and elderly people often have more than one condition, so they are more strict when using aphrodisiac drugs or health products, butJapanese rattanIt is made of pure Chinese herbal medicine ingredients, which will not irritate and burden the body. The most praised by users is that it is mild. At the same time, it will not remain in the body after taking it like Western medicine.Japanese rattanAfter the body absorbs the relevant elements after taking it, it will excrete the unnecessary excess from the body, so it is the first choice in daily health care, and because of this, there will be no rebound!

3.Occasional premature ejaculation: Mostly when the body and mind are exhausted and the mood fluctuates. Premature ejaculation without premature ejaculation after some mental or physical arousal is often accompanied by an acute onset of premature ejaculation. In this case, half of your feet have already entered the door of premature ejaculation. If you are in good health, you will not have premature ejaculation when you are tired. We recommend takingJapanese rattanTake it for maintenance, but because this is occasional premature ejaculation, most people can adjust it after a period of rest, but useJapanese rattanIt can make you improve this situation quickly, and can avoid the embarrassment of temporary needs, if you are in this situation, we strongly recommend that you take it as soon as possibleJapanese rattan, otherwise this situation will only become more and more common, and gradually become a three-second man, so we must solve this problem as soon as possible!

Japanese rattan
Japanese rattan

Japanese rattanDosage

Mild premature ejaculation: The time when the penis is inserted into the vagina for 5 to 10 minutes, but cannot control orgasm by oneself, is mild premature ejaculation.useJapanese rattanRecovery after a course of treatment, but it should be used in combination with the above three situations, regardless of age, usually pay attention to sleep time and quality.Japanese rattanPlay better!

Moderate premature ejaculation: The penis is inserted into the vagina for half a minute to 3 minutes, which is a moderate premature ejaculation. It is also necessary to combine the above situation, but the occasional situation does not exist, such a situation is already very serious, it is recommended to take at least two courses of six cansJapanese rattan, the damage in the body is already obvious, and the treatment should also pay attention to diet and exercise, in order to recover faster and better,There will be no rebound after taking six bottles!

Severe premature ejaculation: If the penis is inserted into the vagina, it takes less than half a minute, and ejaculation occurs within 10 to 20 strokes, even before the penis can be inserted into the vagina to ejaculate. three coursesJapanese rattan, Supplement enough business substances every day, such as eating more vegetables, fruits and nuts, strengthening exercise, regular work and rest, if you can't do this, then compareJapanese rattanA product ten times stronger can't save you!

BuyJapanese rattanplease confirmYiqi Pharmacy, Japan, shipped from Osaka, Japan, every bottle is guaranteedJapanese rattanAll imported from Japan, the effect is guaranteed, check the product real

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