A brief introduction to the side effects of Japanese vines

Do Japanese vines have side effects?? Many customers will order Japanese vines online. You should be careful at this point when a website tells you that Japanese vinesu has no side effects. Since Japanese vines also have side effects, it is very likely that the website is deceiving customers.

The side effects of Japanese vines are a concern for most men. Any aphrodisiac product will have some side effects. After all, it is a three-part poison. Japanese vines are no exception. Currently, there are many websites that sell Japanese vinesu and claim that Japanese vinesu has no side effects. Here is a reminder: if someone claims that Japanese vinesu does not have any side effects, they should pay attention to whether there is any suspicion of deceiving consumers, because Japanese vinesu has side effects.

Are there any side effects of Japanese vines? Will taking it hurt the body? Today, we will focus on the side effects of Japanese fernin, hoping to help more people. The side effects of Japanese vines are mainly manifested in the following four aspects:

Japanese vinesu side effect 1 (constipation): We know that traditional Chinese medicine has the effect of keeping warm, preventing heat, calming and preventing cold. The main ingredients of Japanese vines are red root grass and deer penis. The main ingredient of these two flavors is traditional Chinese medicine to enhance yang qi and nourish the kidneys, which belong to warm traditional Chinese medicine. Therefore, some men may experience constipation while taking it. This is caused by the ingredients of Japanese vines. The incidence of this side effect is 5%. When this side effect occurs, we can effectively address it by eating more vegetables and fruits.

Japonin side effect 2 (multiple erections): Japonin is a warming and tonic health supplement that many men take every day, so some men get erections all day long. Japanese vinesu is rich in nutrients, and we insist on taking it can effectively improve sexual performance. Therefore, taking it consistently may result in multiple erections a day, which can have some impact on normal life. If we have a similar situation during taking, we can drink cold water to solve it effectively.

Side effect 3 (allergic reaction) of geranin: Some men have some allergic reactions, such as itchy skin, after taking geranin. Clinically, the incidence of this side effect was found to be 2%, which was relatively small. The active ingredient is extracted from the deer penis, but some men will have an allergic reaction to the active ingredient in the deer penis. If an allergic reaction occurs while taking geranine, we should stop taking it. When this side effect occurs, we can drink a glass of honey water to solve it effectively.

Side effect 4 (increased excretion) of geranine: The most common side effect of taking geranine is increased discharge from the eyes, commonly known as: eye mucus. Some men wake up in the morning with more foreign bodies in their eyes than before. If this side effect occurs, don't panic. It turns out that most pure Chinese medicine health products have similar side effects. Japanese vines contain more than ten nutrients, so this may be the case if you keep taking them. This is also relatively normal. When our body recovers, we don't need to continue taking geranine, then this condition will go away naturally. But this side effect doesn't happen to everyone. The clinically proven incidence of this side effect is 10%.

The above is a detailed description of the side effects of Japanese vines. Experts suggest that when taking Japanese vines, do not eat spicy, irritating, greasy fried foods, which can effectively ensure the efficacy of Japanese vines and prevent side effects.

It turns out thatJapanese rattanThe side effects are mainly because its main components are high nutrient components extracted from animals and plants. Excessive use of japonin is also one of the main causes of this side effect. Therefore, we can take one tablet a day and do not overuse it, which can effectively avoid side effects.

For more health information, stay tunedhttps://17tengsu.com.tw/Or add a professional customer service hotline to consult anytime.

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