How to distinguish between true and false Japanese vines? The authenticity of Japanese Fujisu, all-round interpretation for you!

Japanese vines are currently the best-selling men's health product. Due to the good effects of Japanese vines, many holiday bonsais appeared in the market, causing many consumers to suffer. We know that eating holiday bonsai is very harmful to the human body. Although there are many articles on distinguishing the authenticity of Japanese vines, it is not authoritative and professional. As a result, many consumers are still being deceived. So, how can we identify the authenticity of Japanese vinesu? Today we will teach you aboutIdentification of Japanese vinesprofessional tutorials.

1. First of all, we need to know what is a holiday motodo. There may be three types of holiday bonsai in the market.

1. Simple and fake Japanese vines: The outer packaging of this counterfeit product is very simple, the outer box is relatively fragile, and the paper is thin. The biggest feature of this fake is the chaotic typography of the outer packaging font. The original Japanese vinesu packaging font is neat, neat and clear. This kind of counterfeit is a "three-no product" and is not produced by a regular pharmaceutical factory. Not only is it ineffective, but it also causes great harm to the body.

2. Continental Holiday Hontensu: The English font JAPANTENGSU in the original authentic Japanese rattan has obvious bumps and layers, while Holiday Hontensu has no bumps and layers. Such counterfeits are mainly produced by small processing plants on the mainland and sold on the Internet. Many consumers frequently buy this counterfeit product and you are advised to buy with caution.

3. High imitation Holiday Hontensu: The outer packaging font of this high imitation Holiday Hontensu has obvious bumps and layers, and has fake anti-counterfeiting labels. Currently, this high imitation Japanese vine is the most popular variety on the market, with 80% of consumers being deceived. If you find a fake product, you have to beware. It is worth noting that this high imitation product will have a certain effect, but this high imitation product will increase hormone components, and long-term consumption will have great side effects on the human body.

The above are three types of holiday bonsaisu that are commonly found in the market. Experts suggest that when buying Japanese vines, we should not try to buy fake products cheap.

2. The original packaging of Japanese vines has the following characteristics.

1. The original Japanese vines have two separate marks, one of which is essential. "Made in Japan" gold logo on the front, silver and white logo of the agency on the back.

2. Japanese vinesu is an imported health care product. Japan is very strict on the development and production of products, so it is necessary to seal the import of Japanese rattan's outer packaging. If it is not sealed, it can be judged as a counterfeit product.

3. Each can of original authentic Japanese rattan has moisture-proof desiccant, product description, zipper bag, these three are essential.

3. The difference between True Japanese Fujisu and Holiday Honto Maru.

1. The color of authentic Japanese vinesu pills is light blue, and the color is natural and uniform.

2. The color of the holiday bonnetin pills is dark blue and the color is unusually bright.

4. The difference between genuine Japanese vines and fake Japanese vines.

1. Authentic Japanese vinesu and holiday bonsaisu differ in size and size. The stated size of the real Japanese vines is significantly larger than the fake Japanese vines.

2. The paper in the manual of genuine Japanese rattan is made of wood pulp material, the color is yellow, and the content records the manufacturer information and agent information in detail. Fake Japanese rattan instructions printed on plain white paper.

Above areJapanese rattanAll content identified. Mastering the above can easily distinguish the authenticity of Japanese vines. our website genuine Japanese vines.

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