Take shortcuts and spend less! A simple method to distinguish the authenticity of Japanese rattan-the difference between original rattan

Japanese drug storeTeach you a few simple steps to get the authenticity of Japanese vines, how to do it? We all crawl on the Internet, and some areJapanese Fujimoto true and falseHowever, there are still many details that are not known to everyone. Below we will use the method of comparing fake medicines to identify the true and false Japanese Fujisu in detail for everyone!

Japanese rattan effectAlthough good, but this is only for people who have used genuine products,Japanese Fujimoto true and falseIt is the biggest confusion for most users. It is not only a waste of money, but also has no improvement in the body. For this reason, Japan One Seven Drugstore teaches you how to take shortcuts and spend less money! BuyAuthentic Japanese rattan!

Authorized to sell Japanese rattan certificate Japan
Authorized to sell Japanese rattan certificate Japan

Before introducing, everyone should understandJapanese rattanThere is only one factory in Japan, located in Kyoto, Japan, and there is only one production factory, so there will be no other packaging and venues. Another point is that the Japanese rattan manufacturer has not passed the official website. I see a lot of web pages claiming to be the official website of the Japanese Fujisu. This does not exist at all, okay? If there is a genuine official website, isn't it that everyone can only see the official website of the Japanese Fujisu? How come dozens of them?

Yiqi drugstore sells in JapanJapanese rattanFor ten years, I have never seen an official website in Japan. All of them are sold in the form of agents and physical stores. Please be careful to identify this point.

The official website of Fujisu is a counterfeit drug manufacturer

originalJapanese rattanand agent Japan Fuji SuwaJapanese vines pseudodrugsThe three are different, we must first know that the original Japanese vinesu and the agent Japanese vinesu are both valid and authentic, the difference is the appearance, please see the picture

Japanese Fujisu true and false comparison
Japanese Fujisu true and false comparison

It can be seen that the difference between Figure 1 and Figure 2 is the lack of an anti-counterfeiting logo. Mainly compare the difference with the counterfeit medicine,Japanese rattan authenticThere is an obvious concave-convex layering, look at the yellow frame; secondly, there is a pill on the surface of the Japanese vine, and the limited dose is 0.5g. There is also a difference between genuine and counterfeit medicines. Look at the red frame; genuine The workmanship of the fake medicine is also very different in appearance. The two genuine products have delicate workmanship and a textured green color, while the fake medicine is blue-green and the color is not pure. This is easy to identify

Next isJapanese Fujimoto authenticityCompared with the bottle caps in the middle, the genuine bottle cap has two layers of moisture-proof and child-proof design, which can only be unscrewed by twisting hard, while the counterfeit medicine has only one simple layer.

Distinguish between true and false Japanese vines
Distinguish between true and false Japanese vines

originalJapanese rattanThe difference with the agent Japanese vine

In fact, this andJapanese rattanThe factory is the same, the original vinesu is strictly produced in Kyoto, Japan, and then shipped directly to major drugstores for sale, such as this site'sJapanese rattan, and the agent's Japanese vinesu is also manufactured by the manufacturer, and then the agent's anti-counterfeiting logo will be affixed, which may easily cause some to be replaced with counterfeit drugs. It is not about the agent or the fake. Everyone is choosing You can identify it yourself when you buy it.

A few simple steps can teach you how to buyAuthentic Japanese rattan, to avoid the poisoning of some fake drug web pages, take shortcuts and spend less money! Improving sexual ability is not for me alone, but for her!buy Japanese vinePlease look for the original Japanese import store: Yiqi Cosmeceutical Store 17tengsu.com.tw Genuine Japanese shipping vinesu, the effect is guaranteed!

2 thoughts on “走捷徑少花錢!日本藤素真偽的簡單辨別方法-原裝騰素的區別

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